Sabtu, 26 September 2009

I am Handsome and Everyone loves me!

Pas lagi browsing kompasdotcon, ga sengaja gue baca artikel tentang Jennifer Love Hewitt (terakhir gue inget dia maen di serial ghost whisperer). The article wrote about her comeback to the entertainment world!  Surely with spectacular body shape for her age and also she seems glowing (dari fotonya ya, ga tau deh hasil fototoko bukan hehehe). So, what's her secret? Setelah dikorek-korek oleh wartawan yang nulis berita tersebut tentunya, ternyata her secrets for better quality of life are only two simple things! First, when she was going to sleep at night, she would feel beautiful! The next secret is when in the morning, right just before doing her daily routines, she would stand up in front of her mirror and then said five good things about herself to herself! Katanya sih, sehabis melakukan ini, she usually feels good about herself and ready for any challenges for the whole day.

After reading this, I thought that it's not such a bad idea huh!

Jadilah gue tertarik untuk mencontek resep si Jenn ini. Tonight, I will go to my bed and will feel handsome,  imagining that I am the most handsome guy in the universe! Next, tomorrow morning, I'd stand in front of my mirror while saying these things:

Julian, You look so handsome this morning

Julian, Your Smile is Perfect

Julian, You look slimmer than yesterday

Julian, Your outfit is very cool

Julian, Everyone you'll meet today is gonna love you.

Hahaha..kok kedengarannya narcissist banget ya, but let's try it and see if it will makes any difference


Jumat, 04 September 2009


Gosh.. It's been quite a while since I existed on the blogsphere. Last post was on July, that means almost two months ago. Well, Just wanna give new update on this post. So, What's new on me?

First, I got a job! Yippie. The long wait was now over! My friends knew how i longed to find a job. After six months of holding the title 'Pengacara aka Pengangguran banyak acara', Now I'm officially an employee. The job itself is in a bank, on treasury department. Well, I could say that this job is actually my dream job. The one that I can see myself do well on it. The story about the workplace will comes later as I'm still on training right now, and no exciting moments to be told happened yet.

Next, I now stay at a rent room (bahasa kerennya kamar kos, hi hi hi). The last time I stayed far away from home was like 4 or 5 years ago, back at my last year on college. Well, pilihan untuk nge-kos sih sebenernya terpaksa ya gue jalanin, secara tempat kerja letaknya di Thamrin dan selama masa training gue kudu masuk jam 7 pagi. The first week of works, I tried to drive my car or use the public transportation. Neither was good option. I got so tired on the journey to and from the office. Not to mention, the crazy stupid silliest traffic jam of Jakarta! Thanks but no thanks!! So, the option to stay on a rent room is the best one right now. Gue sebenernya senang sih nge-kos, in a way that I have more freedom yet I have to be more responsible. I like them both, being free and being responsible. Tapi eh tapi, despite that I like being anak kos, pas lagi bulan ramadhan seperti sekarang ini, jadi anak kos is sucked! Gue harus bangun jam 3 pagi, terus keluar beli makanan ke warteg yang lumayan jauh dari kosan, dan apa-apa mesti disiapin sendiri. Huh.. I miss sahur at home, when everything is already been served on the table for me eat!

About my work out program. It's kinda stuck he he he. Sebulan kerja, gue rada males nge-gymnya. Selain capek dengan rutinitas baru, gue juga harus nunggu transferan membership fitness dari single club to all club. Jadi berantakanlah program menuju perut ratanya. Mana selama training ini, the meal is served. Coffee break dua kali sehari plus lunch yang teratur seems to took its toll on me. Kalau kata temen-temen perbaikan gizi, but for me, it's like a nightmare! ha ha ha... seeing that I get chubbier, dan lubang ikat pinggang bergeser perlahan ke kiri. That's it! the moment where I said I'm so not gonna waste years of worked out! So I started to lessen my meal, only ate the meats and the veggies, with 5 spoon of rice max! he he he.. Thank God also, It's already ramadhan month! Fasting always make me loose a kilo or two on the way to end of it. So all is good now. Work out is started again like usual and meals are controlled. Although I have to missed a promise to myself that I will get a flat abs on my b'day this year. Well maybe it will be realized next year! Ganbatte!

Oh, My b'day! yes, I had it on last 21st of August! Urggh.. I'm getting old. :'(
Well, tentang bestday tahun ini, cukup memorable. Pertama, dapet best wishes and prays from all my friends. Sangat menyenangkan, mengetahui bahwa kita memiliki orang-orang di sekeliling kita yang ingat dan merayakan kelahiran kita. It makes me feel like I have been meant something being born to the world. At least to these wonderful persons I called family and friends. Btw, I also get a surprise from my office friend which is diceplokin dengan telur, tepung, susu. hehehe... Adooh, sounds childish huh, udah umur segini masih diceplokin kayak anak smu aja, but it was really nice gesture. It made that day becomes unforgettable. Thanks guys. (PS : Zera, tunggu giliranmu september ini! Hahaha *evilish laughs*)

Udah ah update-nya. Benter lagi udah mau sahur, time to sleep!!

Julian, grateful for his wonderful and beautiful life

Minggu, 05 Juli 2009

IPNTM's Portofolio

Like i said in my previous post that i joined IPNTM, a themed photoshoots contest taking format from ANTM. Setelah lebih dari delapan minggu harus foto-foto dengan berbagai tema, akhirnya keeliminasi juga euy di TOP 5. he he he. Walaupun cuma kontes seru-seruan aja, tapi ya lumayan lah buat mutusin urat malu (dari yang malu-malu sampe jadi ga punya malu soalnya harus foto-foto di keramaian gitu) dan sekarang jadi punya portofolio foto-foto. So, here on this post, I wanna share those pics. Oh ya, Thank you berry berry much untuk Toma, Wardrobe Adviser Merangkap Pose Instructor juga Mukie, Photographer merangkap Photoshoot Director (hi hi hi sok keren gitu ya istilahnya) yang udah mau nemenin gue foto-foto setiap minggunya. Jangan kapok yaa.. kapan kita foto-foto lagi?

~ Epsd 1 : Men's Bag ~

~ Epsd 2 : Summer 2009 Campaign ~

~ Epsd 3 : True Colour, BLUE ~

~ Epsd 4 : Hands ~

~ Epsd 5 : Puppet ~

~Epsd 6 : Male Modelling ~

~ Epsd 7 : Extreme Pose, SUNBURN!!

~ Epsd 8 : Swimwear Campaign ~

Kamis, 04 Juni 2009

Dadaku Gatel...

Udah beberapa hari ini dada gue gatel, literally, bener2 gatel yang gatel, bukan karena 'gatel' ingin digaruk cinta (apa sih?!?) Penasaran, gue liat ada apa sih di dada gue, eh ternyata ada rambut2 tipis kecil gitu deh. Setelah diinget-inget, gue baru nyadar kalo seminggu - dua minggu lalu gue baru aja shaving bulu dada. hi hi hi... jadi deh gini akibatnya, bulu-bulu yang baru tumbuh itu bikin gatel dan bikin gue garuk-garuk melulu.

Iseng banget sih ya gue, pake acara shaving bulu dada. Padahal mah orang-orang sengaja oles-oles minyak firdaus biar bulu dadanya tumbuh lebat. hahaha jadi ceritanya kemarenan gue kan mau foto-foto buat ipntm dengan tema sunburn. Otomatis pas foto ya harus shirtless dong ya. Nah malem sebelom foto, gue teringet pas nonton make me supermodel di youtube, tuh model-model pada di wax gitu. Dibersihin abis semua bulu-bulu di badannya. Ya udah, biar berasa kayak model beneran, gue pun ikutan deh shaving chest hair. Heboh pisan yak gue, padahal mah cuma foto model kelas forum dan facebook doang.

Aniweiz, jadi inget pas nonton para model itu di wax. Ouch... kok keliatannya sakit banget yak. jadi itu tuh body part yang mau di wax, diolesin dengan cairan lengket gitu, semacam lilin mungkin ya (ga tau juga), trus kan ditempelin kertas gitu, abis gitu kertas itu ditarik kenceng-kenceng sampe tuh bulu-bulu kecabut semua. Uhh.. ngeliatnya aja udah nyeri apalagi ngerasain beneran. Oke... mungkin upper and down body part masih bisa ditahan lah ya sakitnya. tapi kalo yang body part bagian tengah (u know what part i meant), gimana? hahaha Jadi salut deh ama cewe-cewe yang katanya bikini wax is a must. But then, women is stronger than men when it comes to holding pain right? Terbukti dengan slogan mereka yang beauty is pain itu. he he

Julian, Duh.. postingan blog kali ini ga penting banget

Senin, 18 Mei 2009


Udah lama ngga nulis di blog, dan kali ini gue pengen cerita masih tentang obsesi gue punya badan yang kurus, well.. I've written it before that my weight was once reach 106 kilos and it's the slap on the face that I needed to start loosing weight. Kalau diinget-inget, gue mulai kenal dengan yang namanya olahraga dan gym itu akhir 2005 / awal 2006 deh, ahh.. berarti almost 3 and half years, I've been workin out my butt and burn all those fat. The last time I step on a weight scale (couple minutes ago) it showed the number 75 kilos. Ini artinya gue dah lumayan sukses membakar 31 kilo lemak dari tubuh. Not bad lah ya. Tetapi eh tetapi berat yang gue idam-idamkan masih belum tercapai euy, angka 72 yang udah kayak lucky number itu masih harus antri beberapa bulan lagi biar dapet. Mudah2an tercapai sebelom my birthday on august soalnya sempet janjian dengan seorang temen, sebagai pemacu work-out kita kalau pada saat ulang tahun kita tahun 2009 ini, kita mesti buat foto shirtless if not nude. Tak mungkin kan buat foto seperti itu kalau gundukan lemak masih terlihat jelas nangkring di perut. he he he

Sebenernya sih temen-temen bahkan keluarga gue bilangnya udah cukup, gue ga usah nurunin berat badan lagi. Malah bokap nyokap barusan kemarenan ngomentarin gue badannya udah kayak orang penyakitan, katanya udah 'abis' gitu deh, pantat udah ga ada, perut udah ga ada dan pipi pun sudah kempes bin tirus. Beberapa temen juga memberikan komen yang sama, kalo yang ketemu langsung pada terheran-heran, kalo yang liat via fesbuk juga pangling liat foto! Kata mereka, gue udah beda sama dulu sewaktu masih kuliah. malah ada yg komentar jangan-jangan abis sakit ya guenya. hihihi. Terus terang aja, gue sih ga merasa ya kalo berat badan yang udah turun ini ngefek ke penampilan. Ya itu, malah bawaannya masih pengen turunin dan turunin lagi, pengen lebih kurus dan kurus lagi (namanya juga obsesi yak!). Paling yang kerasa beda ya celana sekarang molor semua secara dulunya pake size 38. Kemaren iseng nyobain pake celana adek gue yang size 32, ternyata alhamdulilah udah muat. Trus sekalian buka lemari adek, gue juga iseng nyobain baju-baju dia. Dulu teh sempet ngiri karena adek gue kalo pake baju tuh modelnya bagus-bagus, semacam ukuran medium body fit begitulah. Dulu mana bisa gue pake baju begituan, eh sekarang ternyata udah bisa loh.. hahahaa... lumayan bikin hati senang. Trus berhubung temen-temen pada komentar senada, maka gue pun buka foto-foto lama, mau bandingin gue yang dulu dan sekarang dan ternyata emang udah beda. lols

Btw, kemaren ikut kuis berapakah berat badan idealmu di facebook, U know what?!? masa kata nih quiz berat badan ideal gue itu 65,7 kilo. WTF? kalo dari berat sekarang, berarti mesti ngurusin sepuluh kilo lagi? Gilak aja!! bisa aja sih kalo gue mau, tapi kayaknya dengan berat segitu gue udah kayak tengkorak idup kali ya. Serem ah.. Hmm.. sekarang mau fokus bentuk muscle aja, pengen bikin biceps dan triceps lebih toned. Gue juga lagi demen banget sama latihan squat yang katanya bisa latih hamstring sekaligus ngangkat butt sehingga keliatan lebih sexy. Sekalian ah, pengen keluarin bikini line di waist terus bikin perut yang udah mulai rata muncul garis-garis kotaknya. hihihi... Weleh-weleh, targetnya banyak banget. Moga-moga kesampaian semua tahun ini ya.

Julian, Still Obsess but With Muscular Body Now

Rabu, 22 April 2009

KIds : Adorable OR Adohsebel

Last sunday, I hanged out with Medhia, Dhea and one little guest star named Medina. She is Dhea's lil sis. The meet up idea actually came from Medina. kalau kata Dhea, adeknya ini ngebet banget pengen ketemu sama gue. It all started when I replied to her comment on Dhea's facebook status. Dari bales-balesan status, trus add friend, bales-balesan wall tenyata sukses bikin Medina pengen ketemu ama gue. Frankly, I was amazed with Medina, She really talks like adult, or at least teenager, very mature. So u can imagine how shocked i was when I found out that she is not even ten years old, and still sits on the 4th grade elementary school.

Medina and her BlackBerry

Back to the meet, jadi kita tuh janjian buat lunch di Plaza Senayan. Ada beberapa kejadian lucu, jadi waktu gue sampe dan baru aja duduk, si medina ini langsung sibuk ambil blackberrynya dia (Uhh, anak kecil udah punya BB sendir euy) dan diarahin ke gue, jepret!! Eh, gue difoto ternyata, trus langsung diupload ke fesbuk sama dia. Bikin kaget aja deh adek kecil satu ini. Trus si Medhia cerita kalo sebelum gue datang si Medina sibuk sendiri bingung ntar mau ngomong apa sama gue. hi hi hi... Emang kenapa sih dek Medina? Kayak mau ngomong sama artis siapa aja pake bingung segala. Oh iya ada satu lagi yg jadi gong sore itu, pas tiba-tiba Medina nyeletuk ke gue : "Boleh minta tanda tangannya ngga?" Dan sukseslah kita bertiga ngakak abis! Uhh.. that kid is adorable and funny too. I was having such a great time. One more thing, bawelnya dia di fesbuk tenyata emang beneran bawel juga in real. Kebayang dong sepanjang kita makan dan jalan semuanya dikomentarin, dan setiap omongan kita dipentalin dan diargue sama dia. Mungkin efek karena dia disekolahin di international school kali ya, jadi udah terbiasa debat, standing for her own opinion. Gue sih seneng-seneng aja liatnya, cuma tetep geleng kepala liat mulut ceriwisnya itu.
Medina, Si Ceriwis

Speaking of kids, Jadi inget kalau couple weeks ago, ada keponakan yg dateng dan stay di rumah for almost two weeks. They are Fifi and Firza. Dua kakak adek ini juga very-very adorable. Lucu-lucu banget. Pertama memang mukanya mereka yg udah bikin gemes. lainnya ya itu ada aja tingkah-tingkah khas anak kecil yg bikin kita senyum ngeliatnya. Jadi mereka diajakin belanja sama nyokap ke Tanah Abang. Nemenin mamahnya mereka sih sebenernya. Terus karena udah bosen diajakin lihat lihat baju dan mereka juga ga dibeliin, tiba-tiba si Firza nyeletuk : "Udahlah itu belanjanya, cari maenanku lah dulu. Udahlah itu belanjanya" Haduh.. kebayang ga sih anak lima tahun ngomong gitu sambil mukanya ditekuk. hi hi hi Udah pengen dicubit aja pipi gembilnya itu
Firza, 5 y.o and Fifi, 6 y.o

Tapi selain being adorable ada juga sih masa-masa dimana mereka just being a kid and bikin sebel. Kalo lagi moodnya jelek, si Firza bisa nangis jejeritan ga jelas jam 7 pagi, dan jelas saja mengganggu gue yang masih terlelap di buaian pulau kapuk. Atau masih jelas banget moment si Fifi nangis-nangis di Mall ketika sandal kilap-kilap ala penyanyi dangdut yang dia pengen belum juga dibeliin sama mamanya. Uhhh.. Child's cries give me a headache. Atau ada lagi cerita pas si Firza pup di tempat anak-anak mandi bola. Untung aja mereka berdua tinggal satu-satunya yang main saat itu dan yang mba-mba yang jagain juga udah pulang. Ga kebayang deh gimana reaksi yang jaga besoknya pas liat ada ee' bertaburan di bola-bola itu. hi hi hi Rusuh bener ya!

The Angels

Oh ya, in days count, my best friend, Sindy will delivered her baby. Sebenernya sih udah telat beberapa hari dari perkiraan dokternya tanggal 15an april. Ga tau deh, si babynya mungkin masih malu dan belum siap untuk dilahirin. I can't wait for it. A new experience for her for sure, being a mom. But also will be a new experience for us, her close friends. Kalo selama ini kita selalu jalan dan hang out seenak jidat, this new baby will surely change everything. Trus dapet kabar dari kiki, kalo another best friend of mine, Dona, is also expecting his baby. Istrinya, Putri, udah hamil. Belom dikonfirmasi langsung ke Dona nya but it is indeed a great news. Mudah2an sih baby mereka nantinya jadi anak yg adorable bukannya bikin adohsebel orangtuanya ya.

Julian, If someday I have one, would it be adorable or adohsebel?

Selasa, 31 Maret 2009

It's raining and I'm a narcissist, Whatever.... *sign out*

Hu hu hu...
It's always raining everyday for almost a week now. Frankly, I don't like the rain. It's hard to do activities when it's raining outside. First there's this thing, the chilly humid weather that turn us sleepy. If I have to choose between doing things outside and curling up in bed with blanket all over me, I'd settle upon the later. Rain also makes us can't relish the excitement of outdoor activities. Like this afternoon when I have to cancel my going-to-gym routine, because it's raining heavily and I only have my motorbike as my transportation. Or Like last weekend, during my trip to bandung, where I have to went back and forth twice to 'Kawah putih' just to enjoy half an hour clear-without-rain scenery. humph! It's sucks! On the other side, I guess there's also times when me likey the rain so much! When the temperature gets to hot, a couple hours rain would be like a blessing! I also once read a quote from someone, that he likes walking in the rain cuz then no one will recognize that he is crying! A great idea huh, walking in the rain to cry!

Aniweiz, about my trip to bandung, I think I got some of my friends in amaze of seeing how narcissistic I've become lately. lols. Every now and then, whenever there is a good background, a great place, an amazing scenery, I was always posing and then asked to be photographed! Dhea and Medhia then Uploads the pics on the facebook through their BB. I don't realize how many pics were taken until I opened my facebook account and there are more than a hundreds notification of pics tagged on me! ha ha ha
This things makes me remember, my best friend, indry's comment on my facebook wall

Indry, March 19 at 6.24 pm : Kel, masih ada kebingungan di hati gw...Sejak kapan yah lu jadi narcis????Fotonya kayanya makin banyak ajah....

Indry, 54 seconds ago : Kel... please dong fotonya..cukup cukup...huhuhuhuhuhu...

I also didn't know what turned me to a narcissist like this, Cuz I never liked to be in photograph before! Maybe it's because I can accept and get much comfort with this not-so-fat images of me or maybe I've been possessed by a narcissist ghost! If the case was the second then I guess I need H-E-L-P!

But being a Narcissist do no harm no anyone right? So can I just say whatever?!? and then continue taking pictures? :P
Whatever then sign out! Can't help but to write a story about this, the things that toma and egi said is very me! lols. The story was about a YM conference with Gengges + Vikry. A healthy discussion turned into a sensitive and mind-boggling one to me! Instead of arguing with them, I just said whatever! and then I sign out of YM! Yeah yeah.. very childish of me and I regret doing so after few minutes passed and I get calmed down. But that moment already framed on everyone's minds whom were on the conference that night! We make fun and laugh about it nowadays!

Julian, Whatever! *sign out*

Jumat, 27 Maret 2009

Wanna be on Top?

"Wanna be on top? " That's what Tyra banks always said in the opening of America's next top model show.

But instead of Tyra, there's Mr. Sharkie Banks who said this to me! Shark aka Albert is the host of this show named Indonesian pageants' next top model. A photoshoot contest on the internet held by one forum, Indonesian pageant forum. The contest itself took format from the infamous ANTM where contestants ~ mostly members of the forum~ get a challenge and a photoshoot task each week with different theme. The weakest contestant meaning the one with the weakest photos will get eliminated one by one until the next top model is chosen. The next model because the show itself already reach cycle 2.

I always thought that this show is just for fun, that's why I decided to register myself as one of the model. It's not until today, the day I received the Shark's mail about the challenge and the photoshoot task that I finally realize, This is serious business! Ohmaigod!! ha..ha..ha.. I don't even know how to pose in front of camera and camera always have bad sentiment on me, well at least that's my thought after skimming through my photo album! what should I do now?!?! Arrgghhh.... Lols!!

I still get two weeks before the deadline of submitting my photos come. Crap.. I must watch Antm season by season all over again now, to learn some fierce pose! hehehe.. hopefully I won't be eliminated on the first episode cause that would be SUCKs!!!
For infos, U may check the official IPntm site here

Julian, Ready to be on TOP!

Rabu, 25 Maret 2009


Last weekend, It looked like i had just done so many things

First thing, I got to attend a wedding of my college friend, Yudhis! Interesting thing about this wedding was that I got the invitation via facebook. We all knew the power of tagging right? Apparently Yudhis deciced to employed this facebook feature by uploading a picture of his wedding invitation and then tagged us, all of his friend along in the picture! Amazing huh, how the innovation can be so useful and of course money saving!
Not much happened at the wed tho, but I had a great time seeing and chatting with old college friends.

From the wedding party, I hurried to Plaza Senayan, seeing another friends, Medhia, Dhea, Inda and Windy. The meet purpose was to discussed our plan to spend the upcoming long weekend (Nyepi Holiday this Thursday) in Bandung. We talked about where we would go, where to stay also transportation and also not forgetting the 'urunan' - collected money for expenses. The meet with the girls ended up with me watching movie 'confession of a shopaholic' with them. I was hesitant at first but they insisted me going on with them. Well, I ended up enjoying the movie, not bad, maybe the story was too girlie but it surely give me good laughs as the dumb and silly act of avoiding debt collector by becky went out of control.

At 7 pm, my sis suddenly gave me a call, saying that my mother went to a wedding party of her friend's son and she needed me to pick her up! Urghh.. I stuttered.. remembering that I have appoinment to hang out with Gengges (Muki, Toma and Egi). It's not only the appointment that made me stumble but also the vivid image of foods that will be served on the party that surely will tempted me and ruined my whole diet! As predicted... I ended up munching a plate of sate padang, a plate of sate madura, a cup of zoupa soup, and a plate of main course! So much for a diet huh lols

By 10 pm, I already arrived at Wiwied, The place where I supposed to meet with my fellow Gengges + Vikry. Like usual, they were late! Thenk God I have a friend to accompany me through the telephone. Toma rushingly talked about my wrongly written text to him previously that night with others. Something about going to Egi's house while Egi was not at home. he he he Aniweiz, that night, we had a pajamas party at Egi's place except none of us wear pajamas. Nothing much to be done but watched movies, karaoke-ed, chatted all nite long. I excused my self around two i guessed since my eyes won't cooperate. So sleepeeeh. Oh I forget to pointed out that Egi's house is very cozy and comfy but I can't help to get a lil mystical ambience from it too. Of course Egi's stories about si muka bolong and her friends that was spotted occasionally by his family didn't help but added dramatic impression.

It was almost noon, when we said Goodbye to Egi's parent. And It didn't have to wait much longer til Toma had this greeat idea to visit Ragunan Zoo. Hummpph.. and I thought U just said it was a bad idea couple weeks ago Mr. Toma. Well, The idea turned out was not bad. I think I enjoyed my first time ever to visit this zoo. Seeing the animals especially the big one like tapir, elephant and giraffe was unimaginably refreshing. The greatest time I had from this visit was when I got to see the Gorillas. Oooomaaigod. That creature was just so beautiful yet strong. I am amazed. All was good until the heavy rain struck and left us wet and shivering in the sideroad shelter. Urghh.. Goddess of rain was not cooperating. Toma ended up get a cold. I think I also was very exhausted and started to not felt good. Nothing that a good rest can't overcome

Overall, It's pretty hectic weekend huh.. So much have been experienced
I really had a great time, Thanks to my amazing friends

Julian, preparing himself for another blasting weekend

Minggu, 15 Maret 2009

The Burning Plan!

Well, It started when I crazily put a status 'Julian wanna get slimmer by 5 kilos in two weeks! Flat tummy.. here I come' on my facebook.
Of course, a controversial status like that intrigue some friends' comment. Some askin how, some askin why, and some just sayin good luck while askin for proof! Oh maii God... Proof? So I really must slim down by five kilos in next two weeks then.
I need a plan, burning down the fat needs a lot of determination *war mode is on*
Well, with this plan written down, I'm hoping I can stick with it.

The Diet
I'm gonna divide meal time into four times a day
6-7 am ::: A glass of Milk
10 am ::: Fruits ~ Banana
12-1 pm ::: Lunch
3-4 or 6-7 pm ::: Fruits again
No cemilan allowed for next two week! Right!

The Work out
Daily ::: 5-6 am Jogging; 100 times Push-up; 100 times Sit up
Monday ::: 4-7 pm --> Body pump, Step, RPM
Tuesday ::: 3-5 pm --> Weight lifting 1, Power jump
Wednesday ::: 4 - 9 pm --> Step, Power jump, Latin, Body Pump
Thursday ::: 7-9 pm --> Weight lifting 2, Cross trainer, Hip Hop
Friday ::: 8-10 am --> ABT, Step ; 6-8 pm --> Body pump, Freestyler
Saturday ::: Free
Sunday ::: 12 -2 pm --> Weight lifting 3, Step

Phew.. It's gonna be hard peeps...
Let's see the result in two weeks! he he he

Julian, in the mood of getting slimmer!

Senin, 02 Maret 2009

My Strengths and Weaknesses!

As an active Jobseeker, I get to attend for job interview here and there.
One of the question that I noticed always appeared was

"What is Your Strength and Weaknesses?"

When the first time I was asked this question, I was stumbled as I've never thought before what my strentgh and weaknesses are. I think one of the reason I failed on some interview because of this, not knowing the answer to this Q

So after giving a serious-long-getting to know myself better moment of thinking, I think I manage to point out some points

My strengths
  • Determined, I always do my best to get something that I want or in doing my works. I usually won't stop til people recognize me. I think it's a strength rite?
  • I would put fast learner as one of my strength too. I think I don't have problems learning something that is completely new for me. Usually I manage to learn this new thingy in a lesser time than anybody else
  • I don't know if this is a strength or not, but I think i'm a good listener. I always enjoy listening to my friends' stories and memorize the important or valuable moments on their stories. I think if I can relate this to working world, a good listener for instruction would be a plus point
My Weaknesses
  • Being a last minute man probably was one of my weakness. What I mean by last minute man here is that I works my best near deadline. All these great ideas suddenly pour on my head when the clock ticking to the end. Maybe it's the adrenaline or whatever it is I don't know. Actually there's nothing bad about being a last minute man as long as the job is done, rite? But the down side is we won't have time to revised, check and re-check again our works.
  • I'm an individualist! If i can do something by my own, I would do it myself. it's not that I don't like working with others, it's just that I don't trust them. A karma of a perfectionist I think, that I only trust my works. It's not good, because imposible for me to be good at anything. I realize that, but still, I just can't help it
  • I would also put shyness as one of my weakness. I have this desire to know new people, expanding networks, making up new friend but there's something that always hold me back. the thought that I would be boring, I can't find something to talk about and so on keep making me stay in silence whenever I realy want to make friends with new people

Julian, finally know himself better

Sabtu, 31 Januari 2009

Big Boys DO Cry

Tonite, I am lying on my bed, with the lights turn off


it caught me off guard, this feeling
the feeling of loneliness, vulnerable and uselessness.
I don't know where this feeling comes from, for it hid itself very well, deep within me
Today was supposed to be my happy day, it was my graduation day
yet why do I feel like this? like I am such a failure, like I have done nothing in my twenty six years, five months and ten days living on this earth.
To make it worst, I have no idea where I will going from this moment on.
What my purposes of living are? What I am looking for in life? Am I a dissapointment to the people that really care for me, my mum and dad? and so on...
These questions keep coming and It scares me.. A LOT
I'm so scared til I don't know what to do beside cry
These tears keeps falling down, I can't hold it.


Finally, after a while,
I can get a grip, and start wiping the tears off of my eyes.
Somehow I feels lighter, like the huge load that was on my chest is decreased if not gone
It's been a long time since I haven't been crying like this. I remembered the last time me crying spilling my emotion was on an ESQ training.
Some said that it's A NO NO for boys to cry
but I don't care, I enjoy crying. It's one of the amazing gift from God to us human, yeah those tears. It's incredible how those tears could bring so much relieve to the soul

I'm going to sleep now and tomorrow I'll worry about those questions hanging on my minds. I'll find the answers. There's always a way. I need only to stick to my faith that My God has the best plans laid out for me

Just when I get ready to go asleep. My mum and Dad called me to go downstairs for dinner
Lazily wake up from my bed, I hesitantly went downstairs.
And Voila, apparently they have arranged a surprise 'Upah-upah' for me
Upah-upah is a Batak tradition of feasting on special occasion. Rice, boiled eggs, Ikan mas, Chicken and prawn were put together on a big plate. The plate then placed on the head of the person while everyone said a good prayer and wishes for the person.
I'm so flattered, I can't say anything, just felt so loved and blessed and thankful that I'll always have my family, being there for me. Another tear's slipping away. hu hu hu

Julian, termehek-mehek alone

Minggu, 11 Januari 2009

Heboh Obat Kurus!

Udeh beberapa hari ini nyokap heboh minum obat kurus keluaran Melilea! Jadi ceritanya dia jalan ketemuan sama uwa' dan anaknya. Nah anaknya uwa' ini, si bebi, ternyata udah turun 6 kiloan karena obat ini! Langsung deh kumat penyakit si mama, gampang tergiur! Tapi tadinya masih ragu-ragu sih, mau beli atau ngga, langsung aja gue panas-panasin.

"Ikh, ma, bener banget tuh, temenku si Muki turun dua kilo padahal baru minum dua hari loh"
"Mah, kayaknya obatnya beneran bagus deh"
"Ayo ma, beli ajah"

Hihihi... Ada tujuannya sebenernya bujukin si mama, ngarep pengen nebeng ikutan minum ntar kalo nyokap jadi beli secawra gue rada desperado karena udah olahraga mati-matian tapi berat kok kayak'e ga turun-turun. Sukses!! Akhirnya di mama terkena bujuk rayu juga. Dibeli lah tuh Melilea. Produknya ada dua macem gitu, satu susu kedelai, satunya lagi serbuk serat sayuran gitu. Tetapi oh tetapi, sialnya, mamaku itu ternyata pinter kali pun. dengan alasan mau nyoba dulu, dia belinya yang botol kecil. Alhasil gue ga dikasih ikutan nyobain minum tuh obat. huhuhu.. percuma dong susah-susah keluarin jurus rayuan maut! humpph..

Anehnya, semenjak minum tuh obat - dah dua hari - kenapa si mama malah makin rajin yah makannya sama ngemilnya. LOL. Benter-benter ngunyah ini, silap mata ngunyah itu. sampe-sampe gue ga tahan ngeledekin

"Ibu genduuutt, kok makan terus sih? Ga sukses dwong dietnya ntar? Piye iki?"

hehehe.. emang gue suka sih, ngeledekin si mama dengan manggil dia ibu gendut, dan biasanya abis dipanggil gitu dia langsung manyun trus bales ngejek gue gendut juga! Peace ah, mam! U know that's the way of me showing that i really love u, right!

Trus tadi pagi dong, tanpa pake permisi dan ga bilang-bilang a i u, my sister tiba-tiba kepandaian ngeracik tuh obat buat diminum ama dia! Ish.. bisa-bisanya! Gue aja ngga dikasih nyobain! Dasar karena kepinteran, takarannya kebanyakan, jadinya tuh susu kedelai plus serat sayuran udah kekentelan kayak agar-agar jelly ga jelas! Pas mau diminum, dia malah eneg dan mau throw up! Jadilah gue dipanggil sama nyokap, trus disuruh ngabisin tuh racikan setelah sebelomnya ditambahin air biar sedikit encer! Huh.. emangnya gue tong sampah yaa.. cuma ya udeh deh, dasar murahan dan emang pengen nyobain tuh obat, akhirnya diglek juga!
Ewww.... Feels like eating puke when the liquid got through my throat! Ga enak banget!! mgkn karena emang ngeraciknya dari awal udeh salah kali ya, ada yg kentel-kentel gitu dan ga enak banget ditelennya! Sambil dipaksa-paksa nyokap dengan alasan sayang kalo obatnya dibuang, I swallowed it forcefully! Phew.. Heboh banget dah ah.. karena obat kurus satu ini

Julian, yang pengen ngurusin badan

Dona's Wed ~ Remembering Old Time

Last Thursday, I met up with Ndry and Sindy at Plangi, janjian mau ngambil undangan kawinannya Dona yang dititipin di Ndry.

Finally, the day is coming ya Do. I'm so happy for u! Oh ya. Dona ini one of my best friend in College. Back in College, ceritanya punya temen se-gank, isinya sepuluh orang, Dona, Teguh, Didi, Gue, Sindy, Kiki, Helen, Epi dan Fitri Indry. Ga tau gimana ceritanya, yang jelas pas hari pertama masuk kuliah, it was like we found each other. Langsung Klik! Mulai dari jalan bareng ke mal pas bolos kuliah, sedih dan nangis bareng pas mikirin skripsi dan hal ga penting lain yang bikin depresi, senang bareng ketawa-ketiwi. hu hu hu.. I really miss that time guys! Jadi mellow deh. Jadi inget sama foto lama pas kita sempet-sempetin foto outdoor di nozzle. Look at us here! So cute and innocent! ha ha ha. (On the photo : Me, Sindy, Epi, Fitri, Dona, Kiki, Ndy, Helen, Didi, Teguh)

Btw, I wrote some note on the back of this photo of ours

Life is like the road we travel
Some are smooth, Some are rough
Some I would rather forget
But there's one road I won't regret
The road where we met

Sounds cliche, but it is the truth, I'll confess one thing, my tears came down when i wrote this note while remembering all the things we've done together. I really thank God that I met u guys. U were definitely one of the best things happened in my life. I'll treasure that on my heart forevah and evah! Lebay deh. he he he

Back to the wedding thingy, Dona jadi orang kedua nih dari gang yang melepas masa lajang setelah Sindy got married with Yan last year. Next in line is Kiki kayaknya yang udah pesen gedung buat bulan mei, dan epi atau fitri yang kayaknya udah mantep bener dengan pasangan masing-masing! Me? jangan ditanya deh.. Belom mikirin kesana sama sekali malah. Walaupun nyokap dah mulai nyap-nyap nih terus sibuk sendiri mau nyariin jodoh buat anaknya! Mamah.. nyadar ga sih, anaknya masih pengangguran, masa mau disuruh nikah? Ntar mau ngasih makan apa mah ke istrinya? he he he It's a good thing if both people ready to commit and takes their relationship to the next stage. Tapi buat yang belom siap ga bisa dipaksa kan. Lagian hari gini, masih jaman ya dijodoh-jodohin segala? Making a life-time commitment without even know the person whom to be committed first? Sounds silly for me!

Aniweiz, Congrats sekali lagi ya Do. This coming 17th of January will be ur big day, mah friend! I always pray for u and ur happiness

Julian, ikut happy for Dona