Minggu, 15 Maret 2009

The Burning Plan!

Well, It started when I crazily put a status 'Julian wanna get slimmer by 5 kilos in two weeks! Flat tummy.. here I come' on my facebook.
Of course, a controversial status like that intrigue some friends' comment. Some askin how, some askin why, and some just sayin good luck while askin for proof! Oh maii God... Proof? So I really must slim down by five kilos in next two weeks then.
I need a plan, burning down the fat needs a lot of determination *war mode is on*
Well, with this plan written down, I'm hoping I can stick with it.

The Diet
I'm gonna divide meal time into four times a day
6-7 am ::: A glass of Milk
10 am ::: Fruits ~ Banana
12-1 pm ::: Lunch
3-4 or 6-7 pm ::: Fruits again
No cemilan allowed for next two week! Right!

The Work out
Daily ::: 5-6 am Jogging; 100 times Push-up; 100 times Sit up
Monday ::: 4-7 pm --> Body pump, Step, RPM
Tuesday ::: 3-5 pm --> Weight lifting 1, Power jump
Wednesday ::: 4 - 9 pm --> Step, Power jump, Latin, Body Pump
Thursday ::: 7-9 pm --> Weight lifting 2, Cross trainer, Hip Hop
Friday ::: 8-10 am --> ABT, Step ; 6-8 pm --> Body pump, Freestyler
Saturday ::: Free
Sunday ::: 12 -2 pm --> Weight lifting 3, Step

Phew.. It's gonna be hard peeps...
Let's see the result in two weeks! he he he

Julian, in the mood of getting slimmer!

3 komentar:

Tone mengatakan...

glek glek glek
smoga berhasil ya
aku membayangkan rutinitasnya aja udah males

T0ma mengatakan...

u forgot to mention....

PLEASE DONT EAT MY MEALS AND EGI's meal while hangin out.. OK?

Julianisme mengatakan...

Holy shit!
Tahi suci!

Nampak berat...
Good luck!!!

@ Toma
Tampar aja kl dia celamitan lagi, tampar with love of course.