Kamis, 23 Desember 2010

All that I want....

Gosh... It's 23rd of December already...
The new year is coming and it's coming fast! Do you guys always make resolutions on each and every year end?
Me, Sometimes I did, but sometimes i just forget to do so..

I know it's a bit early, and it's not really a resolutions too.. Just things that  I want to be happened in 2011.

  • I want to have lot of money! So that I can buy a house (A must in 2011), treat my friends right, and the most important thing to buy something for my parent that can make them smile.

  • I want to have a six pack muscled body! It has been like a lifetime wish ya, the one that seems like it will never become real. But next year, I will make it! *crossing finger*

  • I want to have many friends! I must admit that I am a selfish one, I always put myself first before everyone else. This year, I met new people who have this pleasant personality and they just shone this warm light that attracting others. I want to be one of them.

There! Only three simple wants! the things that i will try to achieve in 2011!
May it all become true!

Julian, Wishing you all a Happy New Year!! 

Kamis, 18 November 2010

Fishing Luck in Friendship

"Friendship is about fishing luck.. If we are lucky, someone will bite our lure and be our friend forever, in the other hand, if we are unlucky, someone won't be attracted to the lure, or worse someone already bite it but then get off before we can catch them for good"

This is some words about friendship, my friend Toma, once said to me. I like it, and I think it's true.
The lures : Talking about the lures, I personally think it's the common interest. People can easily get 'clicked' because they share the common interest. it could be anything. I got some of my bestest friend now because we share same idea, same spot of hanging out, same hobby,  etc. The theory is when we have same interests then we have something to talked about. That's when it started, right?
The process : I guess we all know, the process of fishing itself is not easy and quick. We need to know the technique of  when to reeling in the fish and when to reel it out. It's the same with friendship. In order to become best friend, it takes quite some time of understanding each other, maintaining a continuous and reciprocal connection. This continuous communication is the fertilizer to a best friend tree to grow strong. A good friend will be there in happy moments and sad moments. They will be there to laugh together, to share our happiness yet they will also be there to cherish us when we are down. They'll lend their shoulder for us to cry. The time frame here is a bit unclear though. With one person, It could takes months or even years until we can feel that they are our best friend while with another it could takes maybe days to feel like we've known them forever.
The catch : IMO the key to a catch is the trust. For me, when I feel comfortable and ready to trust someone with my deepest secret, my craziest thought, my humiliating behaviors with him/her, that's the time that I have catch them as my best friend and they have catch me as theirs.  

Do I have a lots of luck in finding friendship?
The answer is NO. he he he...
The fact that I am a shy, introvert, selfish, egosentrical person makes me kind of difficult to fish in the pond of friendship.
I realized that, and slowly I tried to change this not so good quality of mine.

Oh another thing, I am kind of forgive not forgotten person too. So, if my friend do something really 'big' that crushed my trust and hurted my feelings so bad. I will forgive them in time, but I'm not that kind to forget what they've done and I called this as the moment when the friend has catch the lure but then they get off before i can catch them for good. This has happened twice now. well, I guess it was just not meant to be :)

, gone fishing...


Senin, 15 November 2010


It's been a long time since I've had any sickness. As long as I remember I was always healthy, at least along this last year. Then, exactly two weeks ago, this cold attacked! Along with the cold, came the cough and also the dizziness.  I was completely defeated! I can't go to gym, can't focus at work, practically can't do anything.
I've been visiting the clinic at my office twice. Some medicine given and taken. I even asked for a stronger one on my second visit there. I maintained my supply of Vitamin C too. But none of them seems to worked. I am still having this combo of cold, cough and dizziness. Argghh.. I hate to be sick. It sucked!!

Some of my friend were suggesting me to took a lot of rest! Yeah, that's the one that I haven't been tried and that's the one that I will do. First thing first, another visit to clinic. I am gonna ask for a really strong medicine this time.

Julian, Huacchimm....*Sniff-sniff*

Jumat, 01 Oktober 2010

Kembali ke fitrah... Yoga yuk..

I just love fasting month...
I could easily shed some weight without having too much work.
Just right before this year fasting month started, my weight wouldn't dropped below 80 kg. No matter how hard I tried to do my cardios. It's my 'stuck' weight, right at that 80 number on the scale. An instructor in my gym once said that to start losing weight again from a 'stuck' weight is to change the diet and also to change the work out schedule. I think I did both already, still no result gained.
So, When the fasting month came, I was so excited, knowing that I would eventually lost some of those impertinent fat! And i was right! Voilaa... I dropped 6 kg during the whole fasting month. The key was to keep doing the workout, just before the fasting break. I usually did some cardios an hour before the break, to burn those fat. I was also still watching the food I ate. Happy happy happy.. but the work is not over yet. My goal to reach 72 kg and replace those fat with muscle is not even half-reached yet. Still long way to go.
Oh, I also would like to share that now I have a new favorite work out. It's Yoga! hehe.. some of you must thought that Yoga is easy and even not a work out! I used to think like that. But apparently I was wrong. It started when my friend introduce a class of hot yoga to me. It's a yoga class, only the room was filled with hot air like in Sauna/Steam room. I was intrigued. So I came to join the class only to find out that it was a very hard and energy spending class. I sweat more even more than a cycling or aerobic class. I also found out that Yoga has a good impact to make our postures right. We need to strengthened our back, no arching, and also must rely on the core (abs) strength a lot. I watch some of my friend could do impossible move like head stand. I post the picture below. I will learn and I will be able to do that move! can't wait....
Til the next post Guys, Keep a healthy life will you?


Jumat, 18 Juni 2010

BO to the KEK ~ BOKEK!

Bokek! And it's just the 18th of the month! *big sigh*
Masih 7 hari lagi menunggu pundi-pundi tabungan terisi kembali, rasanya lama banget ya? 
Yep Gue lagi bokek, not literally sih, masih ada tabungan yang bisa dikorek-korek. Tapi kalau tabungan dikorek terus setiap bulannya kapan ya gue bisa ngumpulin dana darurat yang kata Mrs Financial Planner - sering on air di radio- harus disiapin setidaknya enam kali pengeluaran bulanan? kapan juga juga punya dana liburan yang bisa dipake buat keliling eropa? Trus kapan juga impian gue buat beli rumah sendiri bakalan tercapai?
Talking about spending, kayaknya memang benar ya kalo spending itu tergantung dari life style kita, and our life style's changing depend on the earnings! I still remember, when I was still an unemployment, and was counting on the monthly ransome my mother gave me! Ya ampoon.. itu 750 ribu cukup aja gitu buat bayar fitnes dan bersenang-senang di akhir pekan! Makan dan tempat tinggal kan otomatis masih gratis karena nebeng orang tua. Terus pas dapet kerjaan dan masih masa percobaan which is paid with honor 'percobaan'  juga! Tapi dengan honor yang ngga seberapa itu masih bisa diatur lah biar gue dah bisa ngekos, bayar makan, transport, sama sedikit bersenang-senang! Terkadang masih kerasa ga cukup sih, dan ujung-ujungnya nodong nyokap minta injeksi! Tapi sekarang... dengan gaji yang udah hampir dua kali lipat honor percobaan itu *bukan mau nyombong* masa masih ga cukup dan bisa bokek gini sih? There must be something  wrong with my wallet management! hi hi hi
Kalau dirinci-rinci, spending gue yang fixed ga banyak-banyak amat sebenernya! Harga kosan termasuk sedanglah, untuk kamar ber-AC di tengah Jakarta Pusat dengan fasilitas cuci baju dan air panas. Pengeluaran tetap lainnya, Fitnes due! Hmm... I must admit, untuk yang satu ini, gue bayar agak kemahalan, tapi I like the club, and I still think the cost worth the benefit! Jadi ya sudahlah ya. Others spending adalah perawatan tubuh. Mau gimana lagi dong? Muka gue maunya dirawat dengan perawatan mahal kalo ngga jerawatan. Terus keringat gue juga kan ngga mengeluarkan aroma sandalwood atau musk! Jadi ya mau ngga mau mesti dipakein lotion, deodorant dan eau de parfume biar tetap wangi. he he.. Mana belakangan rambut agak rontok gara-gara shampoonya ga cocok lagi. huh.. Dateng temen gue, malah pake nyaranin beli shampoo kerastase yang harganya aja bikin gue mikir 5 kali buat belinya! *tapi masih dipikir which mean mungkin akan dibeli juga*. Hal lain yang cukup menguras kantong gue ya belanja makanan! Kalau abis gajian nih, maunya nongkrong-nongkrong di yoghurt booth, atau ngga di tempat yang jualan kopi dengan harga selangit itu! Belum lagi belanja camilan-camilan kecil -habis dimakan sehari dua hari- sampe 50 ribuan. Ya gitu deh, belanja-belanja ngga penting!  Kalau kata temen gue, gaya hidup yang Hedon!!
Iya juga sih, gimana ga bokek kalau gaya hidup sok mewah-mewahan kaya gini. Mungkin saatnya di re think lagi nih pengeluaran-pengeluaran gue! Biar ga kejadian bokek di tengah bulan kayak gini lagi...

Julian, mau nodong Nyokap ahh...   

Rabu, 16 Juni 2010

Mystical Djokdja

There was a long weekend holiday at the end of last May! It was the last long weekend for this year, so I was thinking that I must used this time for a little refreshing. Some of my office mates planned to go to Singapore. I've never been to Singapore, and of course would love too. Unfortunately my wallet won't allowed me! ha ha Jadi, budget uang liburan yang udah disimpen dari awal tahun cuma cukup buat liburan domestik. Moreover, I got an offer from my buddy to come to Jogja where he stayed. Bebas transport dan penginepan deh! begitu tawarannya. Ya udah! It's decided then, Djokdja here I came!
The last time I went to Djokdja was such a long time ago! Back when I was still on elementary school. I remembered that I have visited Borobudur temple. And those memories were fading away anyway! So, I was kinda excited, yet worried at the same time. Truth is, I've never traveled for a vacation alone, not to mention to a place where I am not really familiar with. I used the Argo Dwipangga train to reached Djokdja! Quite a long journey, about 8 hours. To my surprised, the train was comfortable, I like it. When I arrived, my friend already picked me up! So, this is Djokdja, I said! Kotanya cukup kecil ya, tapi ternyata jalan-jalannya itu quite confusing. Mirip Bandung, dimana jalan-jalan banyak satu arah dan serupa penampakannya. 

Day 1 was kinda like an introduction, I only managed to go to Klaten to eat 'Bakmi Godog' and sipped a bowl of 'Wedang jahe'. Makanan dan minuman yang biasa saja sebenernya, tapi entah kenapa saat itu terasa nikmat sekali. 

Day 2 was amazilingly tiring! Early in the morning, gue dah siap-siap menuju Candi Prambanan! Tiket masuk Wisnus alias wisatawan nusantara seharga Rp. 15,000.00. Subhanallah... Candi satu ini bener2 megah, seksi, cantik sekali... It was a mystical experience for me, where I couldn't stop staring at the temple. I've never get bored! Amazing how this temple was build hundred years ago. Just by piling the stones one into others making a building that tall.Really a must be seen object! Sepulang dari candi, ada tukang jualan souvenir-souvenir gitu, tadinya udah males nanya karena takut dimahalin, tapi untung temen gue jago nawarnya! Candi-candian dari bahan logam apalah itu yang semula ditawarkan seharga 15ribu sebiji akhirnya berhasil didapatkan dengan hanya 10 ribu saja untuk 3 biji! satunya cuma 3 ribuan perak saja! Trus gue juga iseng beli craft becak-becakan seharga 10 ribu juga!A good deal lah menurut gue. 
Selepas dari Prambanan, kita lanjut ke Imogiri. Katanya disini ada makam raja-raja! Sekalian juga ingin nyicipin minuman sampah, 'wedang uwuh', yang katanya rasanya unik dan pernah masuk ke tipi! Well, memang benar sih sebutannya minuman sampah, karena selain warnanya yang merah, minuman ini juga dibuat dari macem2 daun-daunan kering yang dicampur jadi satu. Rasanya.. hmmm... anget khas wedang, ada wangi rempahnya juga, susah dideskripsikan sih, mesti dicoba sendiri saja! The cemetery itself, I must admit brought back some uneasy feeling! To reach the cemetery we must climb a berry berry long stairs. Menurut kuncen disitu, setiap orang yang menghitung anak tangganya pasti berbeda-beda! I was not counting, because I was concentrating to climb those hundred staircase. Capek! Setiba di atas, temen gue nanya mau foto-foto ngga? I look left and right, okay, there's no sign that taking picture was prohibited! But then, I questioned my self , do I really want to take a picture in cemetary? Jangan-jangan nanti ada yang ikutan berpose lagi. hiiiyy!! Perjalanan hari kedua dilanjutkan lagi ke pantai Parangtritis! Tadinya mau ke pantai Baron, atau pantai Krakal yang berdasarkan rekomendasi temen-temen lebih bagus. but my tourguide ga tau jalan kesana oi.. jadilah kita ke Parang tritis saja! Pantainya sih biasa aja, ga sebagus Anyer malah, tapi lumayan lah untuk bisa dapat feel vacation with sand, beach and sun! hi hi Apalagi abis main air dipantai, kita lanjut makan seafood di pinggir pantai! Komplitt deh!

Day 3 was the time for hunting hand fruits aka oleh-oleh! Sebelumnya kita sempetin sarapan Gudeg Yu Djum yang katanya terkenal banget, lumayan, I am not goin crazy about it, karena basically kurang suka dengan gudeg yang manis, kurang cocok di lidah gue tp I like the krecek! Lanjut dr sarapan, Gue singgah ke Malioboro, masuk ke beberapa toko batik! Lanjut lagi ke pasar Beringharjo! Sayangnya harga yang ditawarin lumayan mahal-mahal ya, mirip-mirip sama harga di Jakarta! Sebenernya bisa sih kalo mau gila-gilaan nawar, gue dapet kemeja batik 30rb, daster17rb, sama kain batik pesenan nyokap seharga 30rb! Cuma ya itu mesti gigih nawarnya! Otomatis ga banyak yang kebeli disini, secara temen gue udah mulai bete mukanya nemenin keliling hampir setengah pasar! ha ha! Siangnya masih disempetin jalan-jalan ke Keraton, alun-alun, sama Taman sari. Just taking picture here and there.

Ga kerasa, udah abis aja gitu long wikennya. Overall, I would say I am not regreting my decision to go to Djokdja! It's magical dan mystical.. and I would definitely visit you again soon! Masih ada Borobudur yang kelewat ga sempat dikunjungi karena waktunya mepet.. saving it for next time...Many thanks for my friend, Hendra, yang udah mau nemenin muter-muter Djokdja. Untung ada lo bro! he he  

Julian, Au Revoir Djokdja!!

Kamis, 27 Mei 2010

The Transformen

Holla! Welcome 2010...
I know it's a bit late to welcoming 2010, but this is actually my first post in 2010, so it's still ok, I guess!

So, what's new in 2010 for me? hmm.... I could say one thing : I'm getting fat! huhuhu..
I was managed to reach my ideal weight around december 2009, which was 72 kg. But then, the holiday came and all the diet and worked out routines slipped away. Here I am, back at my stuck-hardtolose-weight again : 80 Kg! Erghh...
Today is the day! I am making a commitment : to shed this 8 kilos away in the next two months! Kalo istilah L-men nya : transformed into better body shape! So, In order to stick to this commitment, I will try to post my diet and work out routine here, as a reminder!

First for the diet :
Kebetulan sekali kemaren pas browsing ketemu web yang bisa ngukur BMI dan kebutuhan kalori harian. (click here) Berdasarkan website tersebut, My calorie needs is around 2,800 kcal perday! Sementara itu berdasarkan website lainnya (click here) : "If you want to lose fat, a useful guideline for lowering your calorie intake is to reduce your calories by at least 500, but not more than 1000 below your maintenance level." Hal ini berarti gue mesti mengurangi kalori intake sebanyak 500 - 1000 kcal. Let's decide to reduce 800 kcal perday then!. Pengurangan ini sendiri sepertinya bisa dari work out ataupun dari asupan makanan. My asumption is if I get to burn extra 800 kcal per day from work out, then I could keep my meal around 2800 kcal, but if I am being lazy and skip the gym, I should reduce my meal portion as much as 800 kcal.
The next thing to do is to calculate how many meal is 2000 kcal right? Dengan komposisi karbohidrat : lemak : protein = 40% : 20% : 40% dari total kalori, serta perhitungan 1 g karbo = 4 kcal, 1 g Protein = 4 kcal, dan 1g lemak = 9 kcal then I need to eat 200 gram karbohidrat, 200 gram protein, dan  45 gram lemak.
Rada ribet ya, ngitungin kalori intake ini, plus agak ga mungkin juga bawa-bawa timbangan setiap mau makan. Tapi paling ngga kan sekarang gue bisa menimbang-nimbang, nasi yg gue makan dalam sehari udah 200 gr belom, dada ayam atau daging yg dilahap udah 200 gr belum dst...

So, I come up with this diet schedule :

6-7 am : Lemon-ed water
8-9 am : breakfast : honey-ed wheat bread
11  am : snack : crackers / banana / apple
12 -1 pm : Lunch : Rice + bunch of green vegetable + chicken breast
3 - 4 : snack : Juices
6 -7 : Dinner : Chicken breast / Banana

Doakan gue bisa stick to the diet ya guys! Next post I'm gonna write about the work-out program

Julian, stick to commitment!!