Senin, 02 Maret 2009

My Strengths and Weaknesses!

As an active Jobseeker, I get to attend for job interview here and there.
One of the question that I noticed always appeared was

"What is Your Strength and Weaknesses?"

When the first time I was asked this question, I was stumbled as I've never thought before what my strentgh and weaknesses are. I think one of the reason I failed on some interview because of this, not knowing the answer to this Q

So after giving a serious-long-getting to know myself better moment of thinking, I think I manage to point out some points

My strengths
  • Determined, I always do my best to get something that I want or in doing my works. I usually won't stop til people recognize me. I think it's a strength rite?
  • I would put fast learner as one of my strength too. I think I don't have problems learning something that is completely new for me. Usually I manage to learn this new thingy in a lesser time than anybody else
  • I don't know if this is a strength or not, but I think i'm a good listener. I always enjoy listening to my friends' stories and memorize the important or valuable moments on their stories. I think if I can relate this to working world, a good listener for instruction would be a plus point
My Weaknesses
  • Being a last minute man probably was one of my weakness. What I mean by last minute man here is that I works my best near deadline. All these great ideas suddenly pour on my head when the clock ticking to the end. Maybe it's the adrenaline or whatever it is I don't know. Actually there's nothing bad about being a last minute man as long as the job is done, rite? But the down side is we won't have time to revised, check and re-check again our works.
  • I'm an individualist! If i can do something by my own, I would do it myself. it's not that I don't like working with others, it's just that I don't trust them. A karma of a perfectionist I think, that I only trust my works. It's not good, because imposible for me to be good at anything. I realize that, but still, I just can't help it
  • I would also put shyness as one of my weakness. I have this desire to know new people, expanding networks, making up new friend but there's something that always hold me back. the thought that I would be boring, I can't find something to talk about and so on keep making me stay in silence whenever I realy want to make friends with new people

Julian, finally know himself better

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