I know it's a bit late to welcoming 2010, but this is actually my first post in 2010, so it's still ok, I guess!
So, what's new in 2010 for me? hmm.... I could say one thing : I'm getting fat! huhuhu..
I was managed to reach my ideal weight around december 2009, which was 72 kg. But then, the holiday came and all the diet and worked out routines slipped away. Here I am, back at my stuck-hardtolose-weight again : 80 Kg! Erghh...
Today is the day! I am making a commitment : to shed this 8 kilos away in the next two months! Kalo istilah L-men nya : transformed into better body shape! So, In order to stick to this commitment, I will try to post my diet and work out routine here, as a reminder!
First for the diet :
Kebetulan sekali kemaren pas browsing ketemu web yang bisa ngukur BMI dan kebutuhan kalori harian. (click here) Berdasarkan website tersebut, My calorie needs is around 2,800 kcal perday! Sementara itu berdasarkan website lainnya (click here) : "If you want to lose fat, a useful guideline for lowering your calorie intake is to reduce your calories by at least 500, but not more than 1000 below your maintenance level." Hal ini berarti gue mesti mengurangi kalori intake sebanyak 500 - 1000 kcal. Let's decide to reduce 800 kcal perday then!. Pengurangan ini sendiri sepertinya bisa dari work out ataupun dari asupan makanan. My asumption is if I get to burn extra 800 kcal per day from work out, then I could keep my meal around 2800 kcal, but if I am being lazy and skip the gym, I should reduce my meal portion as much as 800 kcal.
The next thing to do is to calculate how many meal is 2000 kcal right? Dengan komposisi karbohidrat : lemak : protein = 40% : 20% : 40% dari total kalori, serta perhitungan 1 g karbo = 4 kcal, 1 g Protein = 4 kcal, dan 1g lemak = 9 kcal then I need to eat 200 gram karbohidrat, 200 gram protein, dan 45 gram lemak.
Rada ribet ya, ngitungin kalori intake ini, plus agak ga mungkin juga bawa-bawa timbangan setiap mau makan. Tapi paling ngga kan sekarang gue bisa menimbang-nimbang, nasi yg gue makan dalam sehari udah 200 gr belom, dada ayam atau daging yg dilahap udah 200 gr belum dst...
So, I come up with this diet schedule :
6-7 am : Lemon-ed water
8-9 am : breakfast : honey-ed wheat bread11 am : snack : crackers / banana / apple
12 -1 pm : Lunch : Rice + bunch of green vegetable + chicken breast
3 - 4 : snack : Juices
6 -7 : Dinner : Chicken breast / Banana
Doakan gue bisa stick to the diet ya guys! Next post I'm gonna write about the work-out program
Julian, stick to commitment!!