Well, I was visiting Museum Gajah with my friend when we found this great spot for taking pictures. A wall that's so cool and made my narcissistic soul in high mode! So, without hesitation, i went to the wall and strike some poses! Thanks to Muki for taking the pictures!
Selasa, 30 Desember 2008
Senin, 29 Desember 2008
In A Rush
It came over me in a rush
When I realize that I love you so much
That sometimes I cry but I can't tell you why
Why I feel, what I feel inside...
How I try, to express what's been trouble in my mind
But still, I can't find the words
For I know that something got a hold of me
It came over me in a rush
When I realize that I love you so much
That sometimes I cry but I can't tell you why
Why I feel, what I feel inside...
Maybe someday, I'll find the way to say
Just what you mean to me
But if that day never comes along and you don't hear this song
I guess you'll never know that
It came over me in a rush
When I realize that I love you so much
That sometimes I cry but I can't tell you why
Why I feel, what I feel inside
And when I say inside, I mean deep...
You fill my soul, add something I can't explain
It's over me cause
It came over me in a rush
when I realize that I love you so much...
For someone out there, I guess I'm falling for you
Maybe the time will come
When I find the word & courage to express
Or maybe I'll just keep it in my heart
That I love you so much...
When I realize that I love you so much
That sometimes I cry but I can't tell you why
Why I feel, what I feel inside...
How I try, to express what's been trouble in my mind
But still, I can't find the words
For I know that something got a hold of me
It came over me in a rush
When I realize that I love you so much
That sometimes I cry but I can't tell you why
Why I feel, what I feel inside...
Maybe someday, I'll find the way to say
Just what you mean to me
But if that day never comes along and you don't hear this song
I guess you'll never know that
It came over me in a rush
When I realize that I love you so much
That sometimes I cry but I can't tell you why
Why I feel, what I feel inside
And when I say inside, I mean deep...
You fill my soul, add something I can't explain
It's over me cause
It came over me in a rush
when I realize that I love you so much...
For someone out there, I guess I'm falling for you
Maybe the time will come
When I find the word & courage to express
Or maybe I'll just keep it in my heart
That I love you so much...
Jumat, 26 Desember 2008
Sex 'n The City : Pil Biru, Kondom dan Mak Erot
I was in my way to take my brother to Gambir Station! Macet! Iseng iseng ngeliat kanan-kiri jalan! There they are, Warung-warung kecil dengan tulisan-tulisan A-shien, A-cun, A-juan dan A lainnya. Disini sedia Pil biru, Obat kuat dan Sex accessories. Kira-kira begitu tuh tulisan di dinding depan warung-warung itu. Satu, dua, tiga, sepuluh! OMG! kok warung beginian banyak banget ya?!? Udah kayak jamur di musim hujan nih. Sepanjang Jalan dari Serpong ke Gambir, kayaknya ada more than twenty deh! Not that I'm counting! Secara marketing, kalo ada yg jual suatu barang pasti karena ada yg butuh barang itu bukan? But the question remain, Apa sih si pil biru yang koyo'e laris manis ini?
Hasil nanya-nanya ke mas google ternyata pil ini dikembangkan secara 'tak sengaja' oleh peneliti di Pfizer Laboratories. Pil yang nama aslinyaViagra ini rupanya pil pertama yang disetujui oleh badan pengawas obat dan makanan AS (FDA) untuk dipakai secara oral. Uniknya, pas pertama diuji coba ternyata banyak yg kapok lho karena si penis kelamaan dalam kondisi ereksi dan susah lemesnya. ha ha ha Bayangin aja, Si Viagra ini seabis diminum khasiatnya baru terasa setelah sekitar 30 menit dan bekerja selama empat jam penuh. Ouch!! I can't imagine having an erection for full 4 hour! Well, Reading this, I decided that I'm so not gonna use this pils! Tapi buat yang emang merasa butuh dan perlu silahkeun lho yaa
Hmm, Selain pil biru, warung-warung ini katanya jual sex accessory. One of them is aneka kondom! hi hi hi. Gue sih belom pernah liat kondom aneka macam ini, cuma kalo liat iklannya di koran lampu merah seru banget dah! Ada kondom pake rasa mulai stroberi ampe durian, kondom dengan kumis lele, kondom extra tipis dan macem2 kondom unik lainnya! Waktu temen gue Sindy dan Yan mau merit taun kemaren, gue pengen iseng beliin mereka kondom lucu-lucu ini. Udah sempet lho mau masuk ke salah satu warung pinggir jalan itu buat hunting cuma ya itu akhirnya ga jadi masuk karena malu! ha ha ha. Oh ya ada cerita lucu tentang kondom, temen gue, si Tyo ketauan ama nyokapnya nyimpen kondom di dompetnya.
Tyo: Mom, haduu jangan diperiksa semua atuh...
Mom: Huh....?
Tyo: Itu kondom...kemasannya bagus ya, Mom... Special edition...
Mom: Kondom?
Tyo: Iya, kmaren dibagi-bagiin gitu Mom, waktu lagi hang out gitu di XXX di Bandung...
Hasil nanya-nanya ke mas google ternyata pil ini dikembangkan secara 'tak sengaja' oleh peneliti di Pfizer Laboratories. Pil yang nama aslinyaViagra ini rupanya pil pertama yang disetujui oleh badan pengawas obat dan makanan AS (FDA) untuk dipakai secara oral. Uniknya, pas pertama diuji coba ternyata banyak yg kapok lho karena si penis kelamaan dalam kondisi ereksi dan susah lemesnya. ha ha ha Bayangin aja, Si Viagra ini seabis diminum khasiatnya baru terasa setelah sekitar 30 menit dan bekerja selama empat jam penuh. Ouch!! I can't imagine having an erection for full 4 hour! Well, Reading this, I decided that I'm so not gonna use this pils! Tapi buat yang emang merasa butuh dan perlu silahkeun lho yaa
Hmm, Selain pil biru, warung-warung ini katanya jual sex accessory. One of them is aneka kondom! hi hi hi. Gue sih belom pernah liat kondom aneka macam ini, cuma kalo liat iklannya di koran lampu merah seru banget dah! Ada kondom pake rasa mulai stroberi ampe durian, kondom dengan kumis lele, kondom extra tipis dan macem2 kondom unik lainnya! Waktu temen gue Sindy dan Yan mau merit taun kemaren, gue pengen iseng beliin mereka kondom lucu-lucu ini. Udah sempet lho mau masuk ke salah satu warung pinggir jalan itu buat hunting cuma ya itu akhirnya ga jadi masuk karena malu! ha ha ha. Oh ya ada cerita lucu tentang kondom, temen gue, si Tyo ketauan ama nyokapnya nyimpen kondom di dompetnya.
Tyo: Mom, haduu jangan diperiksa semua atuh...
Mom: Huh....?
Tyo: Itu kondom...kemasannya bagus ya, Mom... Special edition...
Mom: Kondom?
Tyo: Iya, kmaren dibagi-bagiin gitu Mom, waktu lagi hang out gitu di XXX di Bandung...
Mom: Huh...?
Tyo: Ga bakal dipake ko, Mom? Disimpen aja, packnya bagus, special edition...
Harus pinter ngeles tingkat tinggi dah kalo udah gini kejadiannya. Ke-gep ama orang nyimpen kondom di dompet apalagi sama bokap-nyokap. Abisnya budaya kita juga sih ya, yang masih menabukan sex, jadinya kalo nyimpen kondom di dompet pikirannya udah negatif aja deh. Aniweiz, I've been thinking of keepin one on my wallet cuz we'll never know when the time comes when we need it rite? So, ntar kalo kepepet, ga ribet nyari tuh protection! Cuma ya itu, balik lagi, males banget kalo ke-gep ama nyokap, apalagi nyokap gue orangnya suka isengan gitu, punya kebiasaan bongkar-bongkar barang pribadi anaknya.
Tyo: Ga bakal dipake ko, Mom? Disimpen aja, packnya bagus, special edition...
Harus pinter ngeles tingkat tinggi dah kalo udah gini kejadiannya. Ke-gep ama orang nyimpen kondom di dompet apalagi sama bokap-nyokap. Abisnya budaya kita juga sih ya, yang masih menabukan sex, jadinya kalo nyimpen kondom di dompet pikirannya udah negatif aja deh. Aniweiz, I've been thinking of keepin one on my wallet cuz we'll never know when the time comes when we need it rite? So, ntar kalo kepepet, ga ribet nyari tuh protection! Cuma ya itu, balik lagi, males banget kalo ke-gep ama nyokap, apalagi nyokap gue orangnya suka isengan gitu, punya kebiasaan bongkar-bongkar barang pribadi anaknya.
Masih ngomongin benda-benda yang dijual ama warung-warung ini, kayaknya salah satu yang paling laris juga adalah yg bisa gedein alias manjangin penis deh. Macem-macem minyak oles, spray sampe pump itu kayaknya banyak peminatnya tuh. ha ha ha Bukan pengalaman pribadi, belom sih (yahh.. berarti suatu saat pengen nyobain dong?), tapi ngeliat faktanya aja. Mau bukti? Gampang! Tuh mak Erot laris bener. A simple fact that proves most man doesn't satisfy with their size. Baydewey busway, mak Erot ini gue bilang salah satu marketing tersukses di Indonesia! Bayangin aja, franchise-nya dimana-mana! Tuh cucu2nya yang udah berapa turunan sukses bener buka cabang dimana-mana! Trus dengan biaya mahar Rp. 500k (Lho, Kok tau?!?), bisa dihitung kan berapa besar omzet usahanya dia kalo sehari ada dua klien aja! hi hi hi Penting ga sih ngitungin omzetnya mak Erot.
Ga penting ya sebenarnya posting gue kali ini, cuma ya itu, sayang aja kalo ga dipublish soalnya dah hampir dua mingguan ngendon di draft. lol
Minggu, 14 Desember 2008
Rencananya mau mengunjungi job fair di PRJ Kemayoran! Sebagai calon penyandang status pengangguran ~karena seminggu lagi status mahasiswanya lepas, Amin~ sudah seharusnya bukan diriku hunting job! Oh ya, sebelumnya dapet info job expo-nya dari milis loker yang sukses banget bikin ribuan unread messages di inbox email gue! Job expo-nya yang ngadain Depnakertrans, asiknya gratis cuma ya itu tempetnya jauh bener. Aniweiz, sebelum berangkat, sekitar jam sepuluhan, ceritanya mau manasin mesin mobil, pas ngeliat ke ban mobil kanan belakang! Sh*t! Kempes alias udah ga ada anginnya sama sekali! kayaknya kena paku deh malam sebelumnya! Ya udah, terpaksa deh diganti ke ban serep biar bisa dibawa ke bengkel! Udah ngeluarin dongkrak plus kunci roda dari bagasi trus terbingung-bingung! Gue tau teori tentang cara ganti ban tapi.. tapi.. I've never really done it before! Jadinya agak-agak clueless deh. Untungnya ada bapak sopir tetangga depan rumah yang mau bantuin, mulai dari pasang dongkrak, ngelepasin ban yang kempes, keluarin ban serep, pasang ban serep dan masukin ban yang kempes tadi ke bagasi mobil! Akhirnya gue cuma jadi penonton aja yang ngeliat tuh bapak dengan takjub. Makasih ya pak, dirimu baik sekali deh
Lanjut ke cerita job fair-nya yah, gue nyampe di Kemayoran sekitar jam 12 an! Damn, yang mau masuk rame bener! tuh orang-orang dah berjubel kayak semut ngantri mau masuk ke arena! Hu hu hu.. mana panas terik banget lagi, dan sialnya ternyata lagi jam istirahat makan siang! Sukses deh, gue desak-desakan kayak ikut antrian sembako. bapak-bapak yang jaga pintu masuk sibuk ingetin pesertanya pake toa supaya jaga barang bawaan jangan sampe berpindah tangan. Hiks... jadi inget kejadian kecopetan hape, ya udah, tangan kanan pegang map yang bawa segepok CV dan tangan kiri sibuk pegang handphone dan dompet! RiRi dah ~ Ribet sendiRi! Setelah diperbolehkan masuk, mulai deh, hunting booth-booth employee itu! Lumayan juga, ada exxonmobil, bp migas, bank panin, BRI, Bukopin, Mega, Indosat, dan beberapa perusahaan lainnya. Dari 16 kopi CV yang gue bawa, sisa 3, berarti dah berhasil nyebarin ke 13 perusahaan. Moga-moga aja ada yg manggil buat tes atau interview! Ganbatte Julian!
Ksenia Sukhinova of Russia won Miss World 2008! Lord... Is she an angel? Did u cut her wings and send her to earth? I've never saw a woman this beautiful, and i think i'm in love! Goddess face, great body, PERFECT! What a living doll! Congrats Ksenia for winning the crown! Count me in as your numero uno groupie! I'd walk the fire and eat the stone for you! Lebay deh! Btw, Indonesia, represented by Sandra Angelia, failed again to penetrate semi final! Sandra : miss cutesy with an ice melting smile apparently couldn't melt those frozen hearts of the judges! Damn them! You have done your best Sandra! So Proud of you! One more thing, RCTI did a crappy job airing Miss World Live! Bad timing at cropping the show for advertisements and unnecessary commentarios from Ully who think he was the only one understand english in Indonesia! Grr... Whatevs!
Pheww.. What a day!!
Rencananya mau mengunjungi job fair di PRJ Kemayoran! Sebagai calon penyandang status pengangguran ~karena seminggu lagi status mahasiswanya lepas, Amin~ sudah seharusnya bukan diriku hunting job! Oh ya, sebelumnya dapet info job expo-nya dari milis loker yang sukses banget bikin ribuan unread messages di inbox email gue! Job expo-nya yang ngadain Depnakertrans, asiknya gratis cuma ya itu tempetnya jauh bener. Aniweiz, sebelum berangkat, sekitar jam sepuluhan, ceritanya mau manasin mesin mobil, pas ngeliat ke ban mobil kanan belakang! Sh*t! Kempes alias udah ga ada anginnya sama sekali! kayaknya kena paku deh malam sebelumnya! Ya udah, terpaksa deh diganti ke ban serep biar bisa dibawa ke bengkel! Udah ngeluarin dongkrak plus kunci roda dari bagasi trus terbingung-bingung! Gue tau teori tentang cara ganti ban tapi.. tapi.. I've never really done it before! Jadinya agak-agak clueless deh. Untungnya ada bapak sopir tetangga depan rumah yang mau bantuin, mulai dari pasang dongkrak, ngelepasin ban yang kempes, keluarin ban serep, pasang ban serep dan masukin ban yang kempes tadi ke bagasi mobil! Akhirnya gue cuma jadi penonton aja yang ngeliat tuh bapak dengan takjub. Makasih ya pak, dirimu baik sekali deh
Lanjut ke cerita job fair-nya yah, gue nyampe di Kemayoran sekitar jam 12 an! Damn, yang mau masuk rame bener! tuh orang-orang dah berjubel kayak semut ngantri mau masuk ke arena! Hu hu hu.. mana panas terik banget lagi, dan sialnya ternyata lagi jam istirahat makan siang! Sukses deh, gue desak-desakan kayak ikut antrian sembako. bapak-bapak yang jaga pintu masuk sibuk ingetin pesertanya pake toa supaya jaga barang bawaan jangan sampe berpindah tangan. Hiks... jadi inget kejadian kecopetan hape, ya udah, tangan kanan pegang map yang bawa segepok CV dan tangan kiri sibuk pegang handphone dan dompet! RiRi dah ~ Ribet sendiRi! Setelah diperbolehkan masuk, mulai deh, hunting booth-booth employee itu! Lumayan juga, ada exxonmobil, bp migas, bank panin, BRI, Bukopin, Mega, Indosat, dan beberapa perusahaan lainnya. Dari 16 kopi CV yang gue bawa, sisa 3, berarti dah berhasil nyebarin ke 13 perusahaan. Moga-moga aja ada yg manggil buat tes atau interview! Ganbatte Julian!
Ksenia Sukhinova of Russia won Miss World 2008! Lord... Is she an angel? Did u cut her wings and send her to earth? I've never saw a woman this beautiful, and i think i'm in love! Goddess face, great body, PERFECT! What a living doll! Congrats Ksenia for winning the crown! Count me in as your numero uno groupie! I'd walk the fire and eat the stone for you! Lebay deh! Btw, Indonesia, represented by Sandra Angelia, failed again to penetrate semi final! Sandra : miss cutesy with an ice melting smile apparently couldn't melt those frozen hearts of the judges! Damn them! You have done your best Sandra! So Proud of you! One more thing, RCTI did a crappy job airing Miss World Live! Bad timing at cropping the show for advertisements and unnecessary commentarios from Ully who think he was the only one understand english in Indonesia! Grr... Whatevs!
Pheww.. What a day!!
Rabu, 10 Desember 2008
New Year Resolution : A Moment of Change!!!
20 days left til year end! People are busy with their new year resolutions. Me? well... still struggling to make this year's resolution come true
I actually never make an official new year resolution, but some kind of commitment in heart. What was that about? Mostly about losing weight, ha ha ha. Yeah, I am obsessed with weight losing! Some may call it's shallow and unimportant, but for me it's a big deal. It all started when my scale reached 106 kilos in 2005, can u believe it! Satu Kuintal lebih! Stressed with skripsi made me an eating trashcan! Munch and Munch everything! Fortunately I realized that this thing can't going on. The number 106 on the scale felt like a slap on my head! That's when i made a resolution to lose 10 kilos per year! On 2006 and 2007, I succeeded in realizing this resolution, I shred to 20 kilos out of my body. Yay! Those excruciating exercises were not a waste of time! By the beginning of this year, I already reach 87 kilo! These exercises actually helped me reach the magical number, my target weight this year : 78 kg by april. But then i took a total break from any exercises for two months and here I am, striving to lose another 6 kilo to the target weight! Ganbatte Julian! 20 days left and only 6 kilos to tatter! Oh.. btw, For New Year Resolution, I won't plan to lose another 10! My target weight for year 2009 is 70 kg plus i wanna carve those six packs on my abs! lols! sounds impossible, but I believe we can do anything if we set the heart and go for it! So 2009, here comes my six packs abs!!
Besides losing weight and those six packs thingie, i do have another things to be achieved in 2009! Find a really good job is one of them. I'll be 27 next year for God's sake, and still jobless is really not an option! Hopefully my master study will really be finish this year. Oh yeah, Almost forget, I'll have to defend my thesis in a final exam this 19th December (Wish me bunches of luck Guys!), then it's finally over, my battle to get my master in accounting! May this new title to my name will make me easier to get my dream job! A finance manager or CFO in the making he he he
Another thing to accomplish is finding a love of my life! Yeah... loveless life sucks! ha ha ha. One of my friend said that I might need global warming to melt my heart that frozen like an eternal snow! he was exaggerating, I know, but somehow i found a truth in it! I felt like i always run away everytime a chance for love comes! Am I too frigid? dunno, maybe i just haven't met the one who could melt my heart! So here i am, making a resolution to find a love in 2009 and make a promise to open my heart and grab that chance of happiness whenever it shows up
Last but not least, I want to get closer to God! Somehow, I felt like i was away from Him this year. Difficulties in lifes corrode my faith instead of fortify it. I wanna believe that The Almighty already has His plans for me and everything will be beautiful when the time come! So I just need to work harder, pray harder and then believe that He will always be with me and won't left me. All is easy for God, If the time come for Him to lift my difficulties, He will do it easily like turning our palm of hand up and down.
In conclusion, these four big things are my resolutions for 2009
I actually never make an official new year resolution, but some kind of commitment in heart. What was that about? Mostly about losing weight, ha ha ha. Yeah, I am obsessed with weight losing! Some may call it's shallow and unimportant, but for me it's a big deal. It all started when my scale reached 106 kilos in 2005, can u believe it! Satu Kuintal lebih! Stressed with skripsi made me an eating trashcan! Munch and Munch everything! Fortunately I realized that this thing can't going on. The number 106 on the scale felt like a slap on my head! That's when i made a resolution to lose 10 kilos per year! On 2006 and 2007, I succeeded in realizing this resolution, I shred to 20 kilos out of my body. Yay! Those excruciating exercises were not a waste of time! By the beginning of this year, I already reach 87 kilo! These exercises actually helped me reach the magical number, my target weight this year : 78 kg by april. But then i took a total break from any exercises for two months and here I am, striving to lose another 6 kilo to the target weight! Ganbatte Julian! 20 days left and only 6 kilos to tatter! Oh.. btw, For New Year Resolution, I won't plan to lose another 10! My target weight for year 2009 is 70 kg plus i wanna carve those six packs on my abs! lols! sounds impossible, but I believe we can do anything if we set the heart and go for it! So 2009, here comes my six packs abs!!
Besides losing weight and those six packs thingie, i do have another things to be achieved in 2009! Find a really good job is one of them. I'll be 27 next year for God's sake, and still jobless is really not an option! Hopefully my master study will really be finish this year. Oh yeah, Almost forget, I'll have to defend my thesis in a final exam this 19th December (Wish me bunches of luck Guys!), then it's finally over, my battle to get my master in accounting! May this new title to my name will make me easier to get my dream job! A finance manager or CFO in the making he he he
Another thing to accomplish is finding a love of my life! Yeah... loveless life sucks! ha ha ha. One of my friend said that I might need global warming to melt my heart that frozen like an eternal snow! he was exaggerating, I know, but somehow i found a truth in it! I felt like i always run away everytime a chance for love comes! Am I too frigid? dunno, maybe i just haven't met the one who could melt my heart! So here i am, making a resolution to find a love in 2009 and make a promise to open my heart and grab that chance of happiness whenever it shows up
Last but not least, I want to get closer to God! Somehow, I felt like i was away from Him this year. Difficulties in lifes corrode my faith instead of fortify it. I wanna believe that The Almighty already has His plans for me and everything will be beautiful when the time come! So I just need to work harder, pray harder and then believe that He will always be with me and won't left me. All is easy for God, If the time come for Him to lift my difficulties, He will do it easily like turning our palm of hand up and down.
In conclusion, these four big things are my resolutions for 2009
- Burn those fat and carve those six packs
- Spot that dream job and build my career
- Encounter the love of my life
- Keeping my faith at top by getting closer to Allah, the Almighty
Hear hear! My Resolutions! a promise in my heart to strengthen my walks toward becoming a better person next year
Selasa, 09 Desember 2008
The Long and Tiring Weekend!
First week of December, it was a long weekend for iedul adha holiday on monday...
well, i got pretty busy this weekend
First, there was CFA exam level 1 on sunday! huhuhu.. i never thought that it would be so damn difficult! well, i guess that's what it takes to become a financial analyst! Those questions about ethics, economics, financial statement analysis, corporate finance, portofolio management, and derivatives are like a never ending tortures for me! ha ha ha.. The exam took place all day long, started at 9 am and ended at 5 pm with a lunch break of course. Well, it's a postponed exam actually as i was supposed to take this on last june but decided to postpone it to december on last minute to get better preparation. Unfortunately, the preparation was worse instead of better cuz i was so lazy lately but somehow i felt more quite and calm on exam day. I had this feelings that i can do it which i didn't feel back then in June. So here I am, crossing fingers, hoping that i get lucky and pass this exam
After the exam, I went to meet up with Toma, Muki and Badi. The venue is McCafe Sarinah as usual! ha ha... Nothing much goin on, just sharing stories and ngalor ngidul! Time passed by quickly when it was spent with good friends huh, can u imagine that we stayed until 1 am in the morning on the cafe just chit chating? If not remembering that tomorrow was iedul adha day and some of us need to pray in the morning, maybe we would've stayed up longer!
On monday, I had a reunion with my high school planned on 2 pm at Urban Kitchen Senayan City. Well, some of my friends from SMA 1 Denpasar, live on Jakarta now. Eventhough we live on the same city, the chance to meet up is rare. Our last meet up was about one half or two years ago. I've been planned to held a reunion before but always cancelled for some reasons. Oh, I hevan't told u yet, yes it's me who the EO of the reunion was! Ha ha.. So i've been calling everyone for the last two weeks to insist them coming. It was not an easy thing, but I did it! Our reunion this time was a success. There were 16 people came! The couple Kadek and Yulia who just arrived from Bali one day before, Indira who flew away from Bali special to attend this reunion (still can't believe u did that gurl), Gunawan, Ricky, Angga, Valen, Eka Su, Ona, the regular attendee to the reunion, Astri and her sister : beautiful and charming as expected from a Puteri Indonesia Contestant (he he he), and the new comer to reunion too : Hendra Een who came right from Bandung, Iswara, Eka Sap, and finally Melva who ran away from duty just to attend our reunion! Too bad some can't made it to our reunion: Resi, Shinta, Another Angga, Fajar, Adip, Dhian, Wim couldn't come for one and another reasons!
It was great! exchanging stories about our lifes now and also having a nostalgic about silly things happened on our high school time! Oh mii gawd.. can't believe it! It's already been eight years since we left high school, does it mean that we're 'that' old? then why do we feel so young, or at least me feel that way! Maybe it's true what they say that thirties is the new twenties! ha ha ha
The reunion itself end at 7 pm, chitchating and taking some photos here and there really made times passed by quickly. We should do this more often guys, I was really having great time!!
Well, that's all about my long weekend! It's tiring but also ultimately fun! One thing I'm thankful God for sending me these good friends into my life!
well, i got pretty busy this weekend
First, there was CFA exam level 1 on sunday! huhuhu.. i never thought that it would be so damn difficult! well, i guess that's what it takes to become a financial analyst! Those questions about ethics, economics, financial statement analysis, corporate finance, portofolio management, and derivatives are like a never ending tortures for me! ha ha ha.. The exam took place all day long, started at 9 am and ended at 5 pm with a lunch break of course. Well, it's a postponed exam actually as i was supposed to take this on last june but decided to postpone it to december on last minute to get better preparation. Unfortunately, the preparation was worse instead of better cuz i was so lazy lately but somehow i felt more quite and calm on exam day. I had this feelings that i can do it which i didn't feel back then in June. So here I am, crossing fingers, hoping that i get lucky and pass this exam
After the exam, I went to meet up with Toma, Muki and Badi. The venue is McCafe Sarinah as usual! ha ha... Nothing much goin on, just sharing stories and ngalor ngidul! Time passed by quickly when it was spent with good friends huh, can u imagine that we stayed until 1 am in the morning on the cafe just chit chating? If not remembering that tomorrow was iedul adha day and some of us need to pray in the morning, maybe we would've stayed up longer!
On monday, I had a reunion with my high school planned on 2 pm at Urban Kitchen Senayan City. Well, some of my friends from SMA 1 Denpasar, live on Jakarta now. Eventhough we live on the same city, the chance to meet up is rare. Our last meet up was about one half or two years ago. I've been planned to held a reunion before but always cancelled for some reasons. Oh, I hevan't told u yet, yes it's me who the EO of the reunion was! Ha ha.. So i've been calling everyone for the last two weeks to insist them coming. It was not an easy thing, but I did it! Our reunion this time was a success. There were 16 people came! The couple Kadek and Yulia who just arrived from Bali one day before, Indira who flew away from Bali special to attend this reunion (still can't believe u did that gurl), Gunawan, Ricky, Angga, Valen, Eka Su, Ona, the regular attendee to the reunion, Astri and her sister : beautiful and charming as expected from a Puteri Indonesia Contestant (he he he), and the new comer to reunion too : Hendra Een who came right from Bandung, Iswara, Eka Sap, and finally Melva who ran away from duty just to attend our reunion! Too bad some can't made it to our reunion: Resi, Shinta, Another Angga, Fajar, Adip, Dhian, Wim couldn't come for one and another reasons!
It was great! exchanging stories about our lifes now and also having a nostalgic about silly things happened on our high school time! Oh mii gawd.. can't believe it! It's already been eight years since we left high school, does it mean that we're 'that' old? then why do we feel so young, or at least me feel that way! Maybe it's true what they say that thirties is the new twenties! ha ha ha
The reunion itself end at 7 pm, chitchating and taking some photos here and there really made times passed by quickly. We should do this more often guys, I was really having great time!!
Well, that's all about my long weekend! It's tiring but also ultimately fun! One thing I'm thankful God for sending me these good friends into my life!
Simply Irresistible
Irresistible... that's me or at least that's what I wanna be...
Through this blog, I just wanna share things happened in my life that are so irresistible..
Well, I believe that everything's has been written down, so we can only try our best in life and then accept what God's plan for us...
I hope my life and my words will somehow be irresistible for you too and make you wanna read again and again.. I'll try updating regularly...
Hugs and Kisses
Through this blog, I just wanna share things happened in my life that are so irresistible..
Well, I believe that everything's has been written down, so we can only try our best in life and then accept what God's plan for us...
I hope my life and my words will somehow be irresistible for you too and make you wanna read again and again.. I'll try updating regularly...
Hugs and Kisses
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