Jumat, 04 September 2009


Gosh.. It's been quite a while since I existed on the blogsphere. Last post was on July, that means almost two months ago. Well, Just wanna give new update on this post. So, What's new on me?

First, I got a job! Yippie. The long wait was now over! My friends knew how i longed to find a job. After six months of holding the title 'Pengacara aka Pengangguran banyak acara', Now I'm officially an employee. The job itself is in a bank, on treasury department. Well, I could say that this job is actually my dream job. The one that I can see myself do well on it. The story about the workplace will comes later as I'm still on training right now, and no exciting moments to be told happened yet.

Next, I now stay at a rent room (bahasa kerennya kamar kos, hi hi hi). The last time I stayed far away from home was like 4 or 5 years ago, back at my last year on college. Well, pilihan untuk nge-kos sih sebenernya terpaksa ya gue jalanin, secara tempat kerja letaknya di Thamrin dan selama masa training gue kudu masuk jam 7 pagi. The first week of works, I tried to drive my car or use the public transportation. Neither was good option. I got so tired on the journey to and from the office. Not to mention, the crazy stupid silliest traffic jam of Jakarta! Thanks but no thanks!! So, the option to stay on a rent room is the best one right now. Gue sebenernya senang sih nge-kos, in a way that I have more freedom yet I have to be more responsible. I like them both, being free and being responsible. Tapi eh tapi, despite that I like being anak kos, pas lagi bulan ramadhan seperti sekarang ini, jadi anak kos is sucked! Gue harus bangun jam 3 pagi, terus keluar beli makanan ke warteg yang lumayan jauh dari kosan, dan apa-apa mesti disiapin sendiri. Huh.. I miss sahur at home, when everything is already been served on the table for me eat!

About my work out program. It's kinda stuck he he he. Sebulan kerja, gue rada males nge-gymnya. Selain capek dengan rutinitas baru, gue juga harus nunggu transferan membership fitness dari single club to all club. Jadi berantakanlah program menuju perut ratanya. Mana selama training ini, the meal is served. Coffee break dua kali sehari plus lunch yang teratur seems to took its toll on me. Kalau kata temen-temen perbaikan gizi, but for me, it's like a nightmare! ha ha ha... seeing that I get chubbier, dan lubang ikat pinggang bergeser perlahan ke kiri. That's it! the moment where I said I'm so not gonna waste years of worked out! So I started to lessen my meal, only ate the meats and the veggies, with 5 spoon of rice max! he he he.. Thank God also, It's already ramadhan month! Fasting always make me loose a kilo or two on the way to end of it. So all is good now. Work out is started again like usual and meals are controlled. Although I have to missed a promise to myself that I will get a flat abs on my b'day this year. Well maybe it will be realized next year! Ganbatte!

Oh, My b'day! yes, I had it on last 21st of August! Urggh.. I'm getting old. :'(
Well, tentang bestday tahun ini, cukup memorable. Pertama, dapet best wishes and prays from all my friends. Sangat menyenangkan, mengetahui bahwa kita memiliki orang-orang di sekeliling kita yang ingat dan merayakan kelahiran kita. It makes me feel like I have been meant something being born to the world. At least to these wonderful persons I called family and friends. Btw, I also get a surprise from my office friend which is diceplokin dengan telur, tepung, susu. hehehe... Adooh, sounds childish huh, udah umur segini masih diceplokin kayak anak smu aja, but it was really nice gesture. It made that day becomes unforgettable. Thanks guys. (PS : Zera, tunggu giliranmu september ini! Hahaha *evilish laughs*)

Udah ah update-nya. Benter lagi udah mau sahur, time to sleep!!

Julian, grateful for his wonderful and beautiful life

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